Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tribulation Trails

It. Is. Cold.
Thank you.
Haha, okay. So since I will be going to West VA to ski over the February break with Crossray Baptist, where Blake and I go to youth, I have to participate in fundraisers to help raise money.
Fundraisers...I don't know why they put "Fun" in there. Harassing people in an non-obnoxious way to give you money for a trip is not my cup of tea. Let me fill you in on exactly what we are doing.
Tribulation Trails is a walk through the book of Revelation in the Bible. Mt. Vernon Church puts it on every year during October. This is my third year experiencing it. The trail is pretty cool, but I have heard that it used to be amazing. Like, life-altering. Now, it's just cool...I personally feel like if the scenes were a bit more developed and intense, and if the actors had a great objective in mind, the trail could change many lives. However, that's just my opinion; I know it has saved many people and I am sure it will continue to bring many more to Jesus.

For us to raise money, we have to sell glow in the dark "GodStrong" bracelets at the Trib Trails entrance. It is fun. Well, it can be. It's just so cold! And rejection, it hurts. Haha. So what am I trying to get across here? Come to Trib Trails, buy a bracelet from me, and maybe, just maybe, be amazed by Jesus!

Jordan :D

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