Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer 2010...and so it begins.

Finally, it's here. I honestly can't believe that I just left sophomore year behind. Oh, let me go ahead and tell you that I am not longer a 4.0 student...yep. I told you Math might kill me, and it kinda sorta did. I got a B. (Insert sad cry here) Oh well, I did everything I could have done and Geometry is just a horrible, terribly gross subject.

Haha, on a much happier note, my summer has been nonstop fun and craziness so far. Seriously. On Thursday I went home with Hailey. Ronni and Courtney came with, and we went fishing (what an interesting experience.) Then we had coffee by the fire and had "remember when" reminiscing time for hours after we swam. Sarah joined us later that night.

Sarah came home with me on Friday and we just chilled the whole day...I decided I was sad instead of happy about the end of the year. I hate endings. I hate change. It makes me saddened.

Saturday was Auntie Lisa's Grandaddy's 97th birthday party at this awesome Italian restaurant called Buca di Beppo, and we did a little shopping at Northpoint Mall. I got one of those cute dresses, it's black on top and floral on the bottom. I can't wait to wear it!

Sunday was church, and then BAMBOOZLE! We went to Six Flags (me, Courtney, Vicky, Sarah, and Megan) not only to ride roller coasters, but to see the concert. We got to see Forever the Sickest Kids, BoysLikeGirls, and All Time Low. Beast, amazing, incredible show and day!

Monday, I went to the movies to see Iron Man 2 with Nick...our chaperones were Courtney, Hailey, and Blake. Afterwards we went to Marble Slab and dropped Nick off. Then Courtney and Hailey spent the night (:

I remembered how much I have constant companionship during the summer when I was with Courtney and Hailey all day Tuesday, till they left, then I had about 20 minutes before Shelby got here. During those 20 minutes I talked on the phone to Monroe. Haha. I like people constantly. Last night was super fun! Now I'm doing Driver's Ed poolside while Shelbs and Blake swim. Youth tonight!

Ahhh, summer.


Jordan <33

Monday, May 10, 2010

School's almost over...wait, what!?

There's no possible way.

It cannot be true that my sophomore year is coming to a close. Like, are you kidding me? Time is starting to fly by faster than I ever imagined, and I can honestly look back and say this school year I have grown and changed more than ever before.

Towards the end of the year (December) I found out what true friendship is, and who I have that is true. I was hurt and broken, but have slowly been put back together. Now looking back, it still hurts, but I've grown up so much because I realized life isn't always rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes people you love hurt you more than they'll ever know. Sometimes you just have to learn to forgive, but sometimes it's too hard to forget. Sometimes the people that helped you get off the ground when you were knocked down are the most important.

In January, I had an absolutely incredible Sweet 16. It was everything I've ever dreamed of. So many people I love were there, and I loved catching up with them all. I had the perfect decorations, the perfect dress, and the beyond perfect cake. Apparently the food was pretty fantastic too. (I was too busy socializing to eat any.)

February was kinda dreary, as I remember. My friends went through a whole lot of crap during that time, and I was the lucky one this time around. We did have some group therapy though, which always seems to improve the situation.

To be totally honest, March isn't really in my mind as important...I'm sure things happened, but nothing earth-shaking.

April sure was an interesting month. I started to fall for this amazing guy, Nick, and the crazy thing is, he started to fall for me too. (You guys remember me talking about Monroe? Nick is his best friend, and Monroe kind of set the whole deal up.) I went to a mission trip in Jackson over spring break, and that was incredible. I loved growing closer with VAULT and serving God with all of them. I officially became a VAULT student leader :) Blake had a super fun 14th birthday party, with a giant inflatable slide. Nick officially asked me out that night, and things have been magical since then.

May brought craziness, the Drama production actually happened! I still am in shock we pulled it off last minute. Because literally, our dress rehearsal that night was horrible. So many people I love came to see me! My family; Brittany, Jake, Mrs. Melanie; Heather, Katelin, Mrs. Marilyn; Sarah, Courtney, Ronni, Hailey, Megan, Andrew, Monroe; Amber and Zakk; Nick, Cristen, and Daniel. It was quite amazing to see all of those people.

So, exams are about to start and my 4.0 is teetering on how well I do...pray for me. Math is going to kill me. Oh yeah, still working on getting my license...lame, I know. Hopefully this summer I'll have it so I can drive myself (and Blake) around. I've been really tired lately, mainly because everyone I talk to late at night is nocturnal. If Monroe didn't permanently destroy my sleeping schedule, Nick definitely did. But it's okay, I wouldn't change one thing.

Speaking of...if you know me, then you know how I always say that teenage relationships are stupid. I don't like when people date for fun, because I think it's immature and you just end up getting hurt. So some people have asked me why I'm dating.

Every teenage couple may say this, but I honestly believe it's true for Nick and I-- we are different. The number one thing is that God is the center of our relationship. We both think that most teenage dating is pointless and shallow, and we both have strong opinions. Our relationship is based on Jesus Christ first, and secondly friendship. I think that qualifies us as different. So yes, I still think teenage relationships are pointless, when they're based on physical attraction and animalistic instincts alone. Mine's not, so I think it's different.

So I'm most definitely serious about this relationship, just so you know. But like I said before, our number one priority is keeping God first.

On another note, I'm soo ready for summer, baby!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So, sue me.

I don't wanna hear it, but I know I've not been keeping up with this thing. Trust me, I've had many blog-worthy moments recently that have actually crossed my mind ("Gosh, I need to blog about this!" But I haven't. So I think the last time I updated you guys was Thanksgiving break? Wow. Okay, we've got a lot to cover.

Yeah, uhh, not now. I just decided that I'm not in the writing mood today. Haha, oops. So I'll give you a reallll update soon, pinky swear.

